Thank you for attending my webinar on PRIA.

Following are the resources I mentioned during the show. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I’d love to hear from you!

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Subscribe to my mailing list and receive your FREE ebook “Tame That Monkey Mind.” Just enter “PRIA” on the form for how you heard about Darity. Thank you!

Simply use the Subscribe form located to the right (or at the bottom of this page on some devices.)

Wisdom for the New Reality

When you subscribe to my mailing list, you also receive a free copy of my monthly digital publication, Wisdom for the New Reality!

Also an optional inspirational message sent to you every Monday, called Monday Morning Mindfulness.

Books by Darity Wesley

You Can Transform Your Life

Step into a new life … an extraordinary new way of being!
Processes, tools and practices to take you on a journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation. Featuring 52 Oracle Messages, Darity provides a simple step-by-step plan for transformation to support you every step of the way!

How To Be the REAL You

Discover your true authentic self!
How To Be the REAL You  provides processes, tools and practices to take you on a journey of self-discovery and personal empowerment. Allow yourself to break free from old patterns of conditioning and awaken to a stronger and more authentic sense of who you really are.

HeartMath Institute

HeartMath Institute empowers individuals, families, groups and organizations to enhance their life experiences using tools that enable them to better recognize and access their intuitive insight and heart intelligence.

CLICK HERE for HeartMath Apps and Sensors

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I invite you to please follow me on your favorite social media platform. You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.